You love to entertain. Nobody wants to run to the convenience store during a party because they've run out of ice. It is crucial that your ice maker works properly so that you don't have to worry about stocking up on ice for hosting occasions at your home.
Some reasons why your ice maker may not be working is that the filter may be clogged, the freezer temperature may be too high, the water flow is obstructed, or maybe your refrigerator/freezer isn't level. Rather than to spend time trying to fix it yourself, you probably want to call a professional that can quickly solve your problem. Also, sometimes trying to fix it yourself may cause further damage to your ice maker resulting in costly repairs.
M & MG Appliance Repair are the experts to call for 24 hour repair service. Our highly skilled technicians can troubleshoot your ice maker issues and solve your problem quickly. We are located in Fort Lauderdale, Fl and we serve the surrounding areas. Contact our appliance repair department to schedule an appointment today. We will come to your location, assess the situation and have your ice maker working in no time.

Ice Maker Repair | Local Appliance Repair | Fort Lauderdale FL | M & MG Appliance Repair
Ice Maker Repair
Cooktop Repair
Commercial Appliances
Freezer Repair
Garbage Disposal Repair
Trash Compactor Repair
Wine Cellar Repair
Dishwasher Repair
Oven Repair
Refrigerator Repair
Washer Repair
Dryer Repair
24 Hour Repair Service
Mobile Appliance Repair
Service All High End and Basic Appliances
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